A quick Google search on the topic of documentation will return plenty results where it’s guaranteed you’ll find contrary opinions on the importance of the process itself, no matter the domain it is applied to. Not just that, but if you’re interested in the topic of documentation, you most likely already witnessed arguments between fans of the process and people that simply claim it’s a waste of time. This article will explore the importance of documentation in everyday processes and the best way to do so is to address the tendency to assume that documentation is merely a waste of time. Of course, we should make it clear right from the start that documentation shouldn’t be a part of every project, since when you’re working on something that you already know by heart, things can be expedited and optimized. However, even in these situations, double checking the facts and making sure your data is up to date is recommended for the quality of your project.
What Has Lead to the Belief that Documentation is Pointless?
Let’s take the case of a design process as an example for this one. You might be tempted to believe that documentation can be the first batch of deliverables that can become redundant for an agency, since there’s going to be a lot of editing on the first sketch anyway. However, if documentation is properly made and analyzed by the final client, that first sketch can be improved considerably so that only minor details would be left for editing. Besides that, proper documentation brings with it a few other advantages that will benefit the entire project long-term.
● Success Metrics
It’s within the initial documentation that you include the success metrics of the project you’re starting. Being able to set clear KPIs and track them with ease based on a mutually-agreed documentation sets the way for a smoother process and less friction between the parts involved. Not to mention that most of the projects have quite the price tag and being able to document the success metrics and have a clear track of what was done and how things improved will help you understand if that money was well spent.
● Strategic Thinking
If you’re starting with a clear and exhaustive documentation, you’ll find it a lot easier to enroll in a strategic thinking process. Sure, your design skills may be top notch and the concept comes to you in the blink of an eye, however, the customers also need to understand your process just enough so that they’re convinced the end result would be a positive one. That’s why, being able to create a blueprint for what’s about to happen or prepare a short documentation that explains the way you’ll deliver that respective service will help a lot in building better relationships.
Documentation Helps Maintaining Forward Momentum and Improves Focus
Having a clear documentation done at the starting point of any project will serve as a veritable roadmap for times when the direction is not that clear or when you hit certain obstacles along the way that make you lose focus. Even more than that, it can significantly help solve the inevitable “this is what we agreed on?” from the client. Whenever something is questioned, you can always go back to the blueprint and clear things in a matter of seconds instead of long threads of contradictory discussions.
Besides that, another advantage that a proper documentation brings to the table is the ease of catching up. If you have new members of the team boarding the project on the way, it will be infinitely easier for them to catch up using the documentation and tracing the steps that were made up until that point.
Documentation Makes Things Real
Last but definitely not least, documentation has this strange power of making things happen. We already know that lists help us be more organized and that writing things down is a very helpful tool for our memory, however, there are a couple of studies out there that claim writing something down increases the likelihood of that idea or project actually happening or succeeding.
So, no matter if we’re talking about a simple project like writing casino online reviews or something huge like redesigning the website of a big player in the SaaS field, there’s no denying that documentation plays a big part in the entire process. Have you ever witnessed documentation affecting productivity or damaging the creative process?